We create your story to be tailored to each target audience.

We do this by understanding the nuances of your target markets and their influencers, their buying process, and gaining deep insight into your sales process. Then (and only then), we map out campaign plans and creative concepts that align with your sales process to be executed in order of ROI.

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spoke marketing research
spoke marketing strategy work

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, are curious about aligning sales and marketing to achieve greater annual revenue growth, you might be in the right spot.

We learn.

No. We don’t know it all. Nobody knows your business better than you, so we ask a lot of questions. Some you’ve never been asked before. Some might make you uncomfortable. Some might even be stupid (but we try to limit those). We ask about your sales process and methodology, your product/service, your pricing, and margins. Don’t worry, we study the competition, too.

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We define.

We’ll create the first part of a marketing plan. The foundation. The messaging part. We clearly define your targets, their buying triggers, and the key messages associated with each one. We refine your story and craft the ‘single most important message’ that resonates with all stakeholders. This becomes the bedrock of your marketing strategy and the touchstone that defines future tactics.

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We find your fastest path to cash.®

First things first. And the first things are the ones that will have the greatest impact on your business at the lowest cost. All campaigns and marketing paths are prioritized by return on investment and aligned with your sales process. At this point, the concepts and creative comps might look ready to go. But we want to make sure they generate profits (not agency awards). That’s why we scope out estimated costs for every step and the anticipated return on investment for each.

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We let creative magic happen.

Writing, designing, and producing the precise visual and verbal communication isn’t a linear process. Perhaps someday we’ll be replaced by robots (we don’t think so). Until then, we lock the doors, crank the music, and smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. It’s not a pretty sight. They say there are no bad ideas in a brainstorm. We disagree. We’ve seen plenty. But, when the dust settles, there’s always a clear winner. There’s the one concept that truly rings the bell. We’ll present you options, but always try to guide you to the right one. And, if you don’t pick it, we’ll make fun of you.

Let's talk

In order to get you where you want to be, we need to figure out where you are. Let's talk about creating a fully-integrated sales and marketing program that’s grounded in strategy, and designed for the highest possible return on investment.

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